Argentina Codes

Argentina Codes

Argentina Codes

Codes of Argentina

+54 AR - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Argentina Codes (+54) AR / ARG - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+54) Argentina Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.AR is the country code for internet and national web sites
Emergency Phone Number 911
Provinces and Cities of Argentina : Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Catamarca, Córdoba, Jujuy, Entre Ríos, Paraná, Mendoza, Misiones, Posadas, Chaco, Resistencia, Chubut, Rawson, Corrientes, Formosa, Neuquen, La Pampa, Santa Rosa, La Rioja, Rio Negro, Viedma, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, Rosario San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Rio Gallegos Tucuman, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 11, La Plata 221, Mar del Plata 223, Bahia Blanca 291, Mendoza 261, Rosario 341
Catamarca 3833
Córdoba 351
Jujuy San Salvador de Jujuy 388
Entre Ríos Paraná 343
Mendoza - 261
Misiones - Posadas 3752
Chaco, Resistencia - 3722
Chubut Rawson - 2965
Corrientes - 3783
Formosa - 3717
Neuquén - 299
La Pampa - Santa Rosa - 2954
La Rioja - 3822
Rio Negro - Viedma - 2920
Salta - 387
Santiago del Estero - 385
Santa Fé - 342
Santa Fé , Rosario - 341
San Juan - 264
San Luis - 2652
Santa Cruz - Río Gallegos - 2966
Tucumán - San Miguel de Tucumán - 381
Tierra del Fuego - Ushuaia - 2901
International Call Prefix: 00
Dial Country code : +54
Dial Trunk code : 0
International dial code: 00
International operator code: 000
National operator code: 19
General phone calls - a digit representing the telephone company.

The valid numbers are: 011 + 8 digits for numbers in Buenos Aires city and part of Greater Buenos Aires.

02 + Area Code (2 or 3 digits) + Subscriber Number (7 or 6 digits) for numbers in southern provinces under Telefónica de Argentina.
03 + Area Code (2 or 3 digits) + Subscriber Number (7 or 6 digits) for numbers in northern provinces under Telecom Argentina.
The digit 4 was added to existing subscribers' numbers. For example, before the change, a number in Buenos Aires would have been dialed as follows: (within Buenos Aires)
(011) 4xxx xxxx (within Argentina) / Dial +54 11 4xxx xxxx (outside Argentina)
City Area Codes in Argentina are given by the first three digits of the Dialing Code. Examples:
011 - Buenos Aires, and part of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area
022 - Buenos Aires Province ( 0220 : Merlo, 0221 : La Plata, 0223 : Mar del Plata, 02284 : Olavarría, 02293 : Tandil)
023 - Buenos Aires Province ( 02316 : Daireaux, 02325 : Azcuénaga, 02342 : Bragado, 0237 : Moreno, 02392 Trenque Lauquen)
034 - Santa Fe and Entre Ríos Provinces ( 0341 : Rosario, 0342 : Santa Fe, 0343 : Paraná, 0345 : Concordia, 03462 Teodelina, 03492 : Rafaela)
035 - Córdoba Province 0351 : Córdoba, 0353 : Villa María, 03541 : Villa Carlos Paz, 03548 : La Falda, 03564 : San Francisco, 0358 : Río Cuarto)
026 - West - Cuyo ( 0261 : Mendoza, 02627 : San Rafael, 0264 : San Juan, 02646 : Valle Fértil, 02652 : San Luis, 02657 : Villa Mercedes)
037 - North East - NEA ( 03717 : Formosa, 03732 :Sáenz Peña, 03772 : Resistencia, 03783 : Corrientes, 03752 : Posadas)
038 - North West - NOA ( 0381 : Tucumán, 03822 : La Rioja, 03833 : Catamarca, 0385 Sgo. del Estero, 03865 : Concepción (T), 0387 : Salta, 0388 : Jujuy)
029 - South - Patagonia ( 02901 : Ushuaia, 02966 : Río Gallegos, 0297 : C. Rivadavia, 02965 : Trelew, 02945 : Esquel , 0299 : Neuquén, 02972 San Martín de los Andes, 02920 : Viedma, 02944 : Bariloche, 02954 : Santa Rosa, 0291 : Bahía Blanca).
Mobile phone calls within Argentina

Cell phones in Argentina operate with a calling party pays (CPP) system. That means that whoever initiates the call pays for it.
Cell phones in Argentina usually start with number 15. Since calls to cellphones are more expensive than land calls in Argentina, this prefix indicates the calling party that this call is going to cost more. For instance if a user wanted to call a Buenos Aires CPP cell phone, from within Buenos Aires, they would have to dial: 15 xxxx-xxxx
Should the user want to call a cell phone in another area code, he/she would have to add the local prefix, e.g.: 011 15 xxxx-xxxx if it is a Buenos Aires cell phone
0221 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a La Plata cell phone
0341 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Rosario cell phone
0351 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Córdoba cell phone
0261 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Mendoza cell phone
0381 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Tucumán cell phone
02324 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Mercedes cell phone
03492 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Rafaela cell phone
03717 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Formosa cell phone
02901 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Ushuaia cell phone
0353 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Villa Maria, Córdoba cell phone
Non-CPP phones are available for purchase, and the calling and numbering is the same as the land numbers (non 15 ) but few users choose these numbers since that means that they would have incoming and outgoing calls deducted from their monthly minute allocation as opposed to just the outgoing.

A notable exception to this rule are the calls made from payphones, as well as the ones made from locutorios. In this case, even when dialing the 15 , the mobile party is billed for the airtime.

Calling Argentina from abroad - The digit 9 has to be dialed before the city code, and the prefix 15 omitted, when calling CPP mobile phone numbers in Argentina from abroad : +54 9 11 xxxx xxxx for Buenos Aires
  • +54 9 xxx xxx xxxx for larger cities
  • +54 9 xxxx xx xxxx for smaller cities
  • Example: The Phone Number # in Argentina is: 0343 15 555 4444, dialing from abroad will be: Argentina 54 9 343 555 4444

    Phone calls from abroad to a land line (or non-CPP mobile phone), however, are dialed "normally." For example: +54 11 xxxx xxxx

    0-800 Toll-free numbers in Argentina must be dialed the following way: 0-800 xxx-xxxx
    0-810 Numbers that are paid as local calls countrywide start with 0810 . These numbers are mostly used by companies with branches in different provinces and only one call center: 0-810 xxx-xxxx
    0610 Subscriber dial-up Internet access in Argentina gets a special, reduced-tariff number: 0610 xxx-xxxx
    This is because there is a number of ISPs that provide "free" dial-up access through standard cost phone numbers that do not use the 0610 prefix. In these cases, the user does not need to pay a subscription cost, he/she only pays for the standard telephone call (usually a local telephone number in major cities); then the telephone company gives the "free" ISP a fraction of what the user pays for the call.

    However, 0610 tends to be confused with "gaming" phones, where a special 3 pesos + VAT tariff is quoted. These numbers always have to be dialed like this: 0609 xxx-xxxx

    All 0800 , 0810 and 0609 have the same number countrywide. However, 0610 only can be used in the Internet Service Provider's area.

    Calls to Uruguay

    Calls from Argentina to Uruguay Example : 00 598 2 xxx xxx

    Calls to the Falkland Islands

    Although Argentina claims the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas ) as part of its national territory, calls are made using the Islands' country calling code, e.g: 00 500 xx xxx

    Telephone numbers in Argentina Telephone numbers by country - Telecommunications in Argentina
    Italiano - Numeri telefonici in Argentina
    Country code : 54
    Trunk code : 0
    International code: 00
    Intl. operator code: 000
    National operator code: 19
    Argentina made major changes to its telephone numbering plan in 1999, this page describes the changes and the current dialing practices. (For a general overview of the Argentine phone network, see the relevant section of the article about Communications in Argentina.)
    * General phone calls within Argentina

    In Argentina, changes were made to area codes in 1999, when the telephone network was split up into three different areas, with a new digit representing the new telephone company.

    At present, the valid numbers are:

    011 + 8 digits for numbers in Buenos Aires city and part of Greater Buenos Aires.
    02 + Area Code (2 or 3 digits) + Subscriber Number (7 or 6 digits) for numbers in southern provinces under Telefónica de Argentina.
    03 + Area Code (2 or 3 digits) + Subscriber Number (7 or 6 digits) for numbers in northern provinces under Telecom Argentina.
    Similarly, the digit 4 was added to existing subscribers' numbers. For example, before the change, a number in Buenos Aires would have been dialed as follows:
    xxx xxxx (within Buenos Aires)
    (01) xxx xxxx (within Argentina)
    +54 1 xxx xxxx (outside Argentina)
    After the 1999 change, it would instead be dialed as:
    4xxx xxxx (within Buenos Aires)
    (011) 4xxx xxxx (within Argentina)
    +54 11 4xxx xxxx (outside Argentina)
    City Area Codes in Argentina are given by the first three digits of the Dialing Code. Examples:
    011 - Buenos Aires, and part of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area
    022 - Buenos Aires Province ( 0220 : Merlo, 0221 : La Plata, 0223 : Mar del Plata, 02284 : Olavarría, 02293 : Tandil)
    023 - Buenos Aires Province ( 02316 : Daireaux, 02325 : Azcuénaga, 02342 : Bragado, 0237 : Moreno, 02392 Trenque Lauquen)
    034 - Santa Fe and Entre Ríos Provinces ( 0341 : Rosario, 0342 : Santa Fe, 0343 : Paraná, 0345 : Concordia, 03462 Teodelina, 03492 : Rafaela)
    035 - Córdoba Province 0351 : Córdoba, 0353 : Villa María, 03541 : Villa Carlos Paz, 03548 : La Falda, 03564 : San Francisco, 0358 : Río Cuarto)
    026 - West - Cuyo ( 0261 : Mendoza, 02627 : San Rafael, 0264 : San Juan, 02646 : Valle Fértil, 02652 : San Luis, 02657 : Villa Mercedes)
    037 - North East - NEA ( 03717 : Formosa, 03732 :Sáenz Peña, 03772 : Resistencia, 03783 : Corrientes, 03752 : Posadas)
    038 - North West - NOA ( 0381 : Tucumán, 03822 : La Rioja, 03833 : Catamarca, 0385 Sgo. del Estero, 03865 : Concepción (T), 0387 : Salta, 0388 : Jujuy)
    029 - South - Patagonia ( 02901 : Ushuaia, 02966 : Río Gallegos, 0297 : C. Rivadavia, 02965 : Trelew, 02945 : Esquel , 0299 : Neuquén, 02972 San Martín de los Andes, 02920 : Viedma, 02944 : Bariloche, 02954 : Santa Rosa, 0291 : Bahía Blanca).

    Calls to Uruguay

    Until 1998, calls from Argentina to Uruguay were made using domestic dialing codes. For example, to call a number in Montevideo from Argentina before 1998:

    059 xxx xxx
    After 1998, this changed to:
    00 598 2 xxx xxx

    Calls to the Falkland Islands

    Although Argentina claims the Falkland Islands (Spanish : Islas Malvinas ) as part of its national territory, calls are made using the Islands' country calling code, e.g:

    00 500 xx xxx
    Mobile phone calls within Argentina

    Almost all cell phones in Argentina operate with a calling party pays (CPP) system. That means that whoever initiates the call pays for it. For this reason, cell phones in Argentina usually start with number 15. Since calls to cellphones are more expensive than land calls in Argentina, this prefix indicates the calling party that this call is going to cost more. For instance if a user wanted to call a Buenos Aires CPP cell phone, from within Buenos Aires, they would have to dial:

    15 xxxx-xxxx
    Should the user want to call a cell phone in another area code, he/she would have to add the local prefix, e.g.:
    011 15 xxxx-xxxx if it is a Buenos Aires cell phone
    0221 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a La Plata cell phone
    0341 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Rosario cell phone
    0351 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Córdoba cell phone
    0261 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Mendoza cell phone
    0381 15 xxx-xxxx if it is a Tucumán cell phone
    02324 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Mercedes cell phone
    03492 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Rafaela cell phone
    03717 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Formosa cell phone
    02901 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Ushuaia cell phone
    0353 15 xx-xxxx if it is a Villa Maria, Córdoba cell phone
    Non-CPP phones are available for purchase, and the calling and numbering is the same as the land numbers (non 15 ) but few users choose these numbers since that means that they would have incoming and outgoing calls deducted from their monthly minute allocation as opposed to just the outgoing.

    A notable exception to this rule are the calls made from payphones, as well as the ones made from locutorios. In this case, even when dialing the 15 , the mobile party is billed for the airtime.

    Calling Argentina from abroad

    Since 2003, the digit 9 has to be dialed before the city code, and the prefix 15 omitted , when calling CPP mobile phone numbers in Argentina from abroad :

    +54 9 11 xxxx xxxx for Buenos Aires
    +54 9 xxx xxx xxxx for larger cities
    +54 9 xxxx xx xxxx for smaller cities
    Example: My Phone # in Argentina is: 0343 15 555 1212, dialing from abroad will be: Argentina 54 9 343 555 1212

    Phone calls from abroad to a land line (or non-CPP mobile phone), however, are dialed "normally." For example:

    +54 11 xxxx xxxx
    Other calls and numbers

    Toll-free numbers in Argentina must be dialed the following way:

    0-800 xxx-xxxx
    Numbers that are paid as local calls countrywide start with 0810 . These numbers are mostly used by companies with branches in different provinces and only one call center:
    0-810 xxx-xxxx
    Subscriber dial-up Internet access in Argentina gets a special, reduced-tariff number:
    0610 xxx-xxxx
    This is because there is a number of ISPs that provide "free" dial-up access through standard cost phone numbers that do not use the 0610 prefix. In these cases, the user does not need to pay a subscription cost, he/she only pays for the standard telephone call (usually a local telephone number in major cities); then the telephone company gives the "free" ISP a fraction of what the user pays for the call.

    However, 0610 tends to be confused with "gaming" phones, where a special 3 pesos + VAT tariff is quoted. These numbers always have to be dialed like this:

    0609 xxx-xxxx
    All 0800 , 0810 and 0609 have the same number countrywide. However, 0610 only can be used in the Internet Service Provider's area.

    Some of the reserved, toll-free special numbers are:


    100 Firehouse
    911 Police
    107 Ambulance
    Starting in January 2004, in the Province of Buenos Aires, the new emergency number will be 911 . Unlike 100 , 101 and 107 , 911 will have people trained for the task of handling emergencies.

    The newer 911 dispatcher sends police from a randomly selected police station, instead of the station assigned for that specific area. This measure was added to avoid the "liberated zones" where dirty cops allow crooks to commit numerous crimes without arresting them.


    110 Phone Listings (Similar to 411 in the US)
    112 Customer Care (for telephone customers)
    113 Official time
    114 Phone repair
    115 Ring test
    121 Phone usage info (delayed 24 or more hours)
    911 Emergency (Similar to 911 in the US)
    References from Telephone_numbers_in_Argentina"
    How can I find people in Argentina? - Use the list of telephones services to search phone numbers in Argentina. -
    Where to search mobile phone numbers in Argentina? - Use the list of mobile services to locate the phone operator and special dial codes for Argentina.
    Where to find the area codes for the cities in Argentina? The directory includes a list of City Dial Codes for Argentina. Use the Argentina list on the menu to find more telephone information for the cities in Argentina.
    Where to find white pages in Argentina? - Use the white pages section to find free information about phone numbers, address, names and other information very helpful to locate people.
    Where to search yellow pages in Argentina? The list of yellow pages in Argentina can be used to find more information to locate for business and other professional services - Phone Numbers, Address and more. List with telephone numbers search services to find phone information about people or business.

    ISO : AR
    ISO3 : ARG
    ISO-Numeric : 032
    FIPS : AR
    Country : Argentina
    Capital : Buenos Aires
    Area km2 : 2766890
    Population : 44494502
    Continent : SA
    Internet : .ar
    Currency Code : ARS
    Currency Name : Peso
    Phone : 54
    Postal Code Format : @####@@@
    Postal Code Regex : ^[A-Z]?\d{4}[A-Z]{0,3}$
    Languages : es-AR,en,it,de,fr,gn
    Geo : 3865483
    Neighbours countries : CL,BO,UY,PY,BR Country : AR, State : Buenos Aires, State Name : Buenos Aires,
    Country : AR, State : Catamarca, State Name : Catamarca,
    Country : AR, State : Chaco, State Name : Chaco,
    Country : AR, State : Chubut, State Name : Chubut,
    Country : AR, State : Cordoba, State Name : Cordoba,
    Country : AR, State : Corrientes, State Name : Corrientes,
    Country : AR, State : Buenos Aires F.D., State Name : Buenos Aires F.D.,
    Country : AR, State : Entre Rios, State Name : Entre Rios,
    Country : AR, State : Formosa, State Name : Formosa,
    Country : AR, State : Jujuy, State Name : Jujuy,
    Country : AR, State : La Pampa, State Name : La Pampa,
    Country : AR, State : La Rioja, State Name : La Rioja,
    Country : AR, State : Mendoza, State Name : Mendoza,
    Country : AR, State : Misiones, State Name : Misiones,
    Country : AR, State : Neuquen, State Name : Neuquen,
    Country : AR, State : Rio Negro, State Name : Rio Negro,
    Country : AR, State : Salta, State Name : Salta,
    Country : AR, State : San Juan, State Name : San Juan,
    Country : AR, State : San Luis, State Name : San Luis,
    Country : AR, State : Santa Cruz, State Name : Santa Cruz,
    Country : AR, State : Santa Fe, State Name : Santa Fe,
    Country : AR, State : Santiago del Estero, State Name : Santiago del Estero,
    Country : AR, State : Tierra del Fuego, State Name : Tierra del Fuego,
    Country : AR, State : Tucuman, State Name : Tucuman,
    ----- country-timezones ----- Country : AR, Zone : Argentina, Hour GMT : -3, Continent : America ,
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